Happy June!! The past few months have been flying by as always, and I've been having a great time. Soon after I last wrote, we went downstairs to celebrate my neighbor Clive's Birthday. I got to play my first guitar and thought it was great - I was pretty good too!
With the warmer weather I've been heading outdoors much more and enjoying every moment. Papi has done a lot of work on the deck this year and it looks great. I've been doing my part to help him water the plants and such.

Sometimes even a drizzly day can't keep us off the deck - we'll just dress for the occasion. I'm just happy to be outside -- in fact, 'outside' is one of my favorite words!
I've been helping out in the kitchen some as well. I'm determined to learn how to cook like Papi and bake like Daddy -- I'm happy to have some good teachers!
Cri bought me a really cool tent and tunnel that we enjoy in the living room all the time. I love crawling through the tunnel and hanging out in there - it's great for hide and seek! And of course Sofia (I call her Sosi!) and I always have a great time at the playground. We've recently found the 'toy playground' that has lots of toys available for us to use!

Tio Danny and Titi Jessica invited me for a sleepover in April. It was so much fun and I can't wait to do it again (hint, hint!). They are great babysitters and I'm proud of Titi Jessica for all the progress she is making getting back on her feet.

The big news lately is that the new Brooklyn Bridge Park has opened! I am SO excited about this (okay, perhaps Daddy is the one who is super-excited -- but I do like the park too)! We've been there several times in the past few months. There's a cute little kiddie playground and I can swing away with the Brooklyn Bridge right over my shoulder. There are also great lawns to run through. It took me a few minutes to get used to walking in that green stuff (Daddy said it's called 'grass') - I am a city kid, you know - but after checking it out thoroughly, I decided it was harmless and I love running around in it now. Keykey came to the park as well and I liked showing him around.

On Easter Sunday we went to Mimi Carol's and Papa Carlo's house to celebrate with the family, which was lots of fun as always.

Back in April I went to the doctor and was 34" tall (91st percentile) and weighed 27.5 pounds (72nd percentile). I continue to be pretty outgoing and my sense of humor has really been coming out. I like to play jokes with Daddy and Papi now and try to trick them when I can. I'm saying more people's names and lots of new words including many colors and "I love you!"
I continue to have an obsession with technology and have been known to say "IPod" up to 50 times in one day. I have my own Apps on Daddy and Papi's IPhones and know exactly which ones are mine and can turn them on all by myself. Talking Carl is one of my new favorites -- it repeats everything I say. Talking Carl and I have had some great conversations together.
I love to try to figure out how things work. Buckles on my stroller, my bike, and the carseat - and even the strollers of strangers at the playground - are a lot of fun to play with and snap together.

My big fascination lately is pointing to every helicopter and airplane in the sky -- they are amazing and there are lots of them around here, which is great. I also like to point to the moon at night and every time I see a Honda Element I say "Our Car, Our Car" as many times as I can! I just want to make sure that Daddy and Papi see our car in case they are looking for it. I'm helpful that way.

In Aprll we went to Aunt Dona's Birthday party and Titi Jessica took this great picture of Papi and Daddy and me. You can see that I was quick to pick up Tio Dave's and Aunt Dona's Wii Remote -- I just had to check it out. A new remote -- how could I resist?
Uncle Monroe came over soon after and we went
to brunch, the playground and hung out at the house. I hadn't taken a picture with him in a while so Daddy was sure to get one of us!
I just love getting wet! Bathtime is still fun and I've also discovered all the fun that can be had with the hose and my pool. Papi sprays me with the hose sometimes when we're watering plants and I just scream with joy! The pool is a ton of fun and Sofia and I have been able to use it a bunch already.

We went up to Liverpool for Mother's Day and I got to see Nana and Papa. We went out to a special dinner to celebrate Nana and I have to say I am doing much better in a restaurant these days. Daddy and Papi have taken advantage of that and we've gone out to eat a bit more lately.

Bubbles are a new favorite of mine. Daddy bought me a battery operated bubble-blower which was a blast (while it worked). Sometimes I was more fascinated with watching the bubbles come out of the blower so I'd hold it up to my face and the bubbles would hit me in the face and collect in my hair. I think it may be a new fashion statement I might start promoting.

I've been setting up the field and refereeing some games at the local park. It's good money and a nice way to pass the time.
I absolutely love to dance too! I've been getting some new moves lately - I bounce up and down and move my arms all around. I'm working on lifting my feet as well.

You can see me using my Dora the Explorer flash cards. Dora, Yo Gabba Gabba, and the Wonder Pets are my favorite shows. Okay so truthfully, Daddy and Papi might like the Wonder Pets a little more than me -- so I let them watch it sometimes before I go to bed.

Lately I've been lucky to hang out more with my new friend, Ava. She has two daddies just like me!! We've seen each other a bunch this past month and yesterday we had a picnic in the park. I love running around with her and we're just 5 days apart so we make great playmates. Anna, Karen, Titi Jessica and Tio Danny joined us in the park yesterday as well. Here's a picture of me and Ava and her Papi Rob after we had dinner together.

Daddy and I started Memorial Day yesterday by going to the playground. I got up extra early so we were there soon after 9am! It was warm out already so I took off my shirt and socks and shoes with some help from Daddy and went running through the sprinklers!! It was so much fun that I could hardly contain myself! I just can't wait for more summer fun like that!
We have lots of summer plans and I'll try to keep you up to date on everything we do. Here's to a great Summer 2010!