We had brunch with Tio Dave and Aunt Dona -- they've babysat me a few times too -- you'll be hearing more about that soon.

We also celebrated Mother's Day with Papi's family. Here's me with Papi's cousin, Vanessa. She is going to bring me another cousin this fall -- I am very excited about this!! :)

And this is Papi and my cousin and playmate, Sofia. She just turned 2 last week! Happy Birthday, Sofia!

The next weekend I went to my second 1st Birthday party. It was for sweet Greta. She was a great host and we had a splendid time together! She's cool!

Later that day I had a sleepover with Kai and Sisi -- they were so good to me and we really had a nice time together. A few weeks later, we had a sleepover again - this time at their house!

Later that week I helped Tia Jessica celebrate her Birthday. It was a lot of fun and some of my favorite people were there. Here's me with Tia Jessica (her finger tastes like mojito, I swear!), Tio Danny, and Uncle Monroe (who, by the way, is not talking to me right now -- but Daddy says that's because he's on a Silent Retreat! I hope he's doing okay!). Tio Danny drove in from Philly -- he says it was to be with Tia Jessica, but I think I had something to do with it! :)

On the way home, Daddy took me through Times Square -- wow! Have you seen this place? Pretty cool - I was in awe!
We went to Nana and Papa's for Memorial Day Wkd and had a great time! I got to meet Aunt Barb and Uncle Bill for the first time and we went to the wineries on the Finger Lakes.

Nana and Papa also put up the swing for me, which I loved. Nana also taught me to clap while I was there and I am so good at it now!

On Memorial Day, Daddy's friend Sam came to visit. She has a little boy too, but he wasn't feeling well so I didn't get to meet him. But I liked her a lot and her and Papi and Daddy laughed together all day, which was fun. And Daddy wants me to tell Sam that the blanket I'm sitting on in the picture above (at the wineries) is from MEXICO! :) Maybe you can get one some day too!

I'm really getting to like my baths now -- and let's face it, I just look so cute when I'm all sudsed up!

We went on a picnic at Brooklyn Bridge Park and I sported my new hat. I'm hoping the weather improves so I can be outside a bunch more this summer.
I can stay standing on my own now! This is a picture of the first time I did it. I need a little help getting on my feet and I need some support -- but I LOVE standing! I can take a few steps too, if someone holds my hands.
I can also sit on my car by myself now. I can finally understand why Sofia has been enjoying it so much for the past few months

Finally, this past weekend we drove down to North Carolina for Rhonda's wedding. Rhonda is Daddy's friend from high school. It was a great time and I was SO good in the car, Daddy and Papi could hardly believe it. I do love to travel! I had a new outfit for the wedding and really enjoyed myself. Rhonda looked so pretty and I was so excited to finally meet her!
There was a pool at the hotel we stayed at so I had my first swim while I was there! IT WAS SO FUN! I absolutely LOVE the water and tried to swim away as soon as Daddy laid me on my belly. He thinks I'm part fish. Check out this video - my cousin Riley wanted to see for himself. What do you think Riley - am I like a fish or what?
On the way back to NYC we stopped in DC for a day and I got to meet yet another friend, Richard. He was so nice - and he let me play with his pearls which were way too cool! We also stopped along the way to stretch our legs and take a few more pictures.

Before we left DC Daddy and Papi took me to the National Zoo -- it was my first zoo. I didn't really think too much of it this time around -- but I did notice these huge animals. But then I got distracted. I did wear a zoo-appropriate shirt at least!
I hope you enjoyed this post -- sorry it was so long and delayed! Also, it should be easier to leave comments now, if you want. I'd love to hear from you!