Yes, it's been a while since my last post - isn't that always the case? October started with Papi's Birthday celebration! Daddy and I took Papi out to dinner at one of our favorite restaurants. After dinner, we took a few pictures outside on a random couch we found on the sidewalk.
While the weather was still nice, I continued to get lots of playground time in - one of my favorite things! I've gotten really good at climbing and I've mastered the big boy swing as well.
I am really talking SO much now! I say new words nearly every day and sometimes I even throw in a whole sentence. I like to say "I think so" and put my index finger up to my head and other cute things too. I like to help out around the house and try to listen to Daddy and Papi -- but sometimes it's hard.
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I love the outdoors! |
The biggest part of the Fall Second Birthday!! I had a great time! Nana was here for the whole week and for my Birthday dinner Mimi Carol and Titi Fran came over too. We had cake and opened some presents. Daddy and Papi got me a really cool pizza set and a keyboard, among other things. Daddy caught my amazement over the pizza set in this picture. I enjoy making a slice of pizza for everyone who stops by - sometimes I even take their order for which toppings they'd like.
My friend Ava and I are just a few days apart so our Birthday parties were on the same weekend! Her's was on Saturday. We pigged out on chips and other goodies and had really yummy cupcakes! She looked stunning!
The next day was my Birthday party! By this time, Papa had come to visit as well. I was so glad that he and Nana got to come to my party again this year. My friend Clive from downstairs and Ava played with me on the deck since it was a gorgeous day. I practiced my guitar skills for everyone too!
Daddy made me two fire engine cakes, since that is one of my most favorite things. I asked Sofia to come help me blow my two candles out.
My cousins, aunts and uncles came and celebrated with me -- it was truly a special day!
For a special Birthday treat, Papi and Daddy took me to an amazing pumpkin patch on Long Island. They have a petting zoo, playgrounds and lots of pumpkins! I really enjoyed seeing all the cool animals and feeding them too. They were a little aggressive, but I didn't mind. I think Daddy and Papi were a little more worried!
They had lots of fun stuff to do -- I love getting silly with Papi and Daddy!
We even went on my very first hayride! By the end of it, I was really feeling the Halloween spirit so I decided to make a scary face!
One of the reasons we went to the pumpkin patch was because Sofia was coming over for a pumpkin-carving sleepover later that week. To make things a bit easier, Mimi Carol gave us some pumpkin decorating kits. We had a great time putting on the silly faces -- don't they look great? (Maybe next year we'll actually carve them!)
We all got silly and tried on Papi's Halloween wig!
For Halloween, I was DJ Lance Rock from Yo Gabba Gabba!! That's my favorite show so it was really cool to dress up just like him. A few days before Halloween, Daddy had me try on the costume - and then he caught me singing "Happy Birthday" - until I realized that I couldn't open my costume from the front!
The day before Halloween, we went to a family party at the NYC Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center. Some of our special friends came too and I got to see Ava, Flora, and Greta ... and lots of other families like mine! Here's me and Greta -- she was Cinderella in her own pumpkin! She insisted on holding my hand for this picture, which I liked a lot!
The next day was Halloween! Right as we were about to go trick-or-treating, Pete stopped by! I was so excited to see him! He had a great costume, although he's a cop every day of the year!
Then Papi and Daddy took me trick-or-treating around our neighborhood. I got the hang of it right away and really liked getting candy! I told everyone "thank you" and even said "Hoppaleen!" when Daddy and Papi said "Happy Halloween".
Our neighborhood had a lot of decorations, scary music and tons of people were out. My pumpkin got pretty heavy but I carried it until we were almost home. I can't wait to go again next year -- I still talk about the candy almost every day!
My cousin Owen turned 1 in November so we got to celebrate with him. It was a great party -- lots of treats, balloon animals, face painting and a puppet show! Sofia had her face done like a butterfly! After the puppet show, I got to get my picture taken with the whole crew from Yo Gabba Gabba! WOW! Somehow I didn't get a picture with baby Owen, though -- I'll be sure to get one for my next entry!
Next we headed back out for a relaxing weekend in Montauk! We didn't do much while we were there but I got to spend quality time with Papi and Daddy and my aunts and uncles -- and celebrated Tio David's Birthday! We headed into town one day for brunch and I got to drive my own car. Ever since then, I always ask to drive our car whenever we have to go somewhere!
The weather was amazing so we checked out the beach too! It wasn't exactly swimming weather, but it was gorgeous!
Tio Danny and I were cruising around town and then we all got a game of foosball in! Being that it was my first time, I was pretty good!
I've continued to perfect my guitar skills. I've gotten pretty good and I like to put my guitar on my back so I can walk around and look cool. Sometimes I even try to play my guitar on top of my head! In this video I'm singing "No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed!". This is one of my favorite books. I really love to sing and dance and play the guitar. Sofia and I just finished our second session of music class together. Our teacher was Nicolai and I just adored him. Every week I would stand by him while he played the guitar and sang to us. Now I have his CD and ask to listen to it every chance I get!
I had a spontaneous play date with Ava at the playground a few weeks ago. It was pretty chilly and we both had runny noses but we had a great time chasing each other around. It was hard to get a good picture of both of us -- we kept trying to get in front of each other! But this one at least shows that we're good buddies!
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For Thanksgiving this year we headed up to Nana and Papa's house. We had a fantastic meal ... although I didn't eat much of what everyone else had. We went to see the Lights on the Lake, which was really cool! Lots of pretty lights that looked like animals, people, houses and other cool things. I also went to see Santa for the very first time - and he gave me a candy cane. so I gave him a High-Five!
The day after we got back from Nana and Papa's, we went to Aunt Dona and Tio Dave's house for another Thanksgiving dinner. We had great food and I got to stay up really late! It was a special night that won't be forgotten for years to come! Here's me and Papi and my uncles!
One of my favorite songs right now is Whip My Hair by Willow Smith. It's so silly and fun! Sofia and I have fun dancing to it. Here's me and Papi whipping our hair after dinner one night!
I start to go to school right after New Year's. It sounds like it will be a lot of fun - I can't wait to tell you about it. Right now Papi and Daddy and I are getting ready for Christmas - especially Papi! We're decorating the house, shopping and making social plans. I'll share all of this with you next time. For now, I'll leave you with two more pictures. The first one is of me at Nana and Papa's house with my new pajamas on - and some silly antlers courtesy of Papi's photo apps (he's obsessed, I tell you!). The other is me getting the house ready for Christmas - I can't wait!